[This is part of the series: A List of Things I Remember About Living In Saudi Arabia.]
I remember playing cops and robbers on the Al Gaim Compound.
The rules are straightforward, but you had to know the boundaries.
And the boundaries were usually dependent on how many people wanted to play.
Was it just the front part of the compound in the common areas?
Common areas and the first section of houses?
The whole compound? Or something else?
Someone trying to capture you, of course, had to catch you first.
But I never liked running that much, and never wanted to turn my escape into a marathon of evasion.
Because of this, I always tried to find a great hiding spot and simply not move.
If the game was anything outside of the common areas, I would always just go to my house, turn off the porch light, and sit on the front porch behind the shrubs, sometimes with a friend.
Nobody ever found us.
After about 15 minutes or so, we would usually just go inside and watch TV.
I’m a team player, I know.