After I profiled Vagabonding, I sent the author, Rolf Potts, 5 short questions.
Lavishly, he was kind enough to respond to each of them.
Here is his shortest interview ever.
1. Coffee, or tea?
“Coffee. I has become an essential part of my mornings.”
2. Appetizer, or dessert?
“Appetizer. When I’m hungry it helps take the edge off, and by the time I’ve had the meal I don’t need dessert.”
3. Mountains, or beach?
“Mountains, ever since I was a kid. Mountaintops offer up a ready goal, whereas after awhile sitting on beaches I start to get antsy. “
4. Early-bird, or night owl?
“I was a night owl in my youth, but I’ve since become an early bird.”
5. One book you would recommend every 18-year-old read?
“Walt Whitman’s ‘Leaves of Grass.’ If it doesn’t resonate when you’re 18, try it again at 21 or 25, particularly after you’ve gotten some travel under your belt. There’s so much in there to excite and inspire the wandering soul.”
Find more of Rolf Potts on his website.