How do you prove you love me?
By professing love and devotion, for sure.
But also by action.
See, you show that you love your wife by exhibiting, to her, the characteristics of love.
All that cliche stuff: Patience. Kindness. Gentleness. Generosity. Being Humble.
And you show that you are a Christian by loving other people.
In every aspect of life, never underestimate the power of action.
All of this raised a question I’ve been thinking about a lot lately. How do we prove who we are? I don’t mean who our driver’s licenses say we are or what our careers suggest about who we are or who we tell other people we are or who they tell us we are. Jesus talked to His friends a lot about how we should identify ourselves. He said it wouldn’t be what we said we believed or all the good we hoped to do someday. Nope, He said we would identify ourselves simply by how we loved people. It’s tempting to think there is more to it, but there’s not. Love isn’t something we fall into; love is someone we become.
-Bob Goff, Everybody Always