Uh, yeah. What better job would there be than to travel for nothing but food and kicks?
I mean, sure there is the work and all, but if that’s something you love, you won’t mind the work.
The only thing I can thing of that I might like better is to be a writer/blogger and travel for the leisure of it.
This is where travel, when you have the time, becomes an extended flâner.
More writing, and more idleness, please.
I’ll take the food too.
I have to admit, I grew to like this life—roaming the globe in search of nothing more than food and kicks. I also came to enjoy the new-to-me process of telling stories with the help of an all-new chest of toys: cameras, editing boards, sound editing—and really creative professionals who knew how to use them. I like making things. And I like telling stories. I like going to Asia. And this TV gig allowed me to do all of those things.
-Anthony Bourdain, Medium Raw