It is easier to fast than diet.
Honestly, I have known this to be true for years without being conscious of it.
It is, in my terms, infinitely easier to only have coffee at breakfast than to eat a half of a donut.
One bite into a donut and my morning temperance is out the door.
I want french toast, sausage, eggs, a side of grits, yogurt, more coffee and a small cranberry juice.
Avoidance has less friction than restraint.
So maybe give it a try if you struggle in this area.
Skip dinner and have a bottle of Topo Chico, Perrier, or alkaline water instead.
It’s easier to do and you will feel great in the morning.
One categorical: it is easier to fast than diet. You cannot be “slightly” kosher or halal by only eating a small portion of ham.
-Nassim Taleb, The Bed Of Procrustes