Without preamble, here are 5 things I am thankful for in 2020.
At the risk of repeating myself every year, I want to begin to document this annually.
I am thankful for my family. We are a big and wild and crazy group. I love every moment we have together. Like so many others, our extended family was not able to be together much this year. Still, I am grateful for the extra home-time we have had. Most of all, I am thankful for 2020 bringing us another beautiful baby girl.
I am thankful for jobs that provide. My work-life may look much different than I thought it would at 18, 22, or 26 – but I have a decent job that (with my wife’s job) puts food on the table for our family.
I am thankful for walks. Walking with my family, walking alone, or taking the dog. I even enjoy walks when it’s too hot or too cold. I have not been 1% as physically active in 2020 as years prior. But after sitting in an office chair all week there is something about being outside and moving that I never regret.
I am thankful for late nights. It might start with a cold or warm drink. Most of the time I read. Sometimes I watch a movie. The silence that the darkness brings is a welcome remission before the end of the day. I am thankful when it arrives and slips away again as I fall asleep.
I am thankful for this season of life. I am thankful for all the seasons. But there is a specialness in diapers, the sweet changing voices, and the pitter-patter of little feet. There are late-night cries and requests for water. There are children learning to crawl. And there are babies wanting to be held while others want a dance party. I am here for it and thankful for all of it.