Welp, just a few weeks shy of eight years, today was my last day at ARMtech Insurance.
And technically, we are not even ARMtech anymore…
ARMtech was owned by Endurance Specialty Holdings, which got bought out by Sompo International in 2017.
In 2020, Sompo acquired one of ARMtech’s crop insurance underwriting competitors, Diversified Crop Insurance Services.
Both ARMtech and Diversified have now been combined and rebranded as “AgriSompo.”
With all the changes in staff, workflow, and responsibility over the last year, I’ll say it like this:
The company I worked at for the first seven years of my tenure is not the company I have worked for in the last year. And the job I had for the first seven years is not the job I have had for the last year.
I will definitely miss parts of it, most of all some of the people.
Of course, it’s the people!
For what is a corporation anyway but people, the walls of a building, and a few pieces of paper?
I even got to go have a quick ice cream with friends today.
And managed a (dorky) final office selfie.
After eight years I was more emotional leaving than I thought I would be! Lame, I know.
Big changes ahead.
But I’m not going to lie: I’m gonna take a nice long break now.