I loved this post by Tim Stoddard on building a personal brand.
Gosh I just have no free-time right now – but I really need to sit down and ponder over all of this.
- Where do I want this blog to go?
- Where do I want my next side project to go?
- Who is my target customer?
The biggest part that stood out to me here was step #5. But here is the thing. This step has nothing to do with monetizing or building up some huge podcast empire. It has everything to do with the relationships that you will form as a result of that podcast.
Written interviews, rather than audio interviews, can work too…
Anyway, here’s the list.
7 Steps to Create the Business of You:
Find your audience
Build a website for that audience
Write on that new website at least once per week
Create a newsletter for that same website
Start a podcast and use Twitter to book guests
SEO your website
Monetize with products and services
Study the particulars in the full post.
And then let’s go build something!