41: A Portrait of My Father
By: George W. Bush
Crown Publishers; 1St Edition edition (November 11, 2014)
294 pages
This is a touching read. In 41, former President George W. Bush, pens essentially a love letter of respect to his father, George H.W. Bush. From being a baseball player, fighter pilot, oil man, Congressman, Chairman of the RNC, Director of the CIA, Ambassador to China, Vice President, and President, there are few things H.W. didn’t do. I love memoirs, so maybe I am biased but this historical account should not be missed. A president son, telling the story of his president father, is a rare story indeed.
Two of my favorite quotes:
“One of my favorite family stories occurred shortly after my parents got married. Mother lit up a cigarette, and my grand-father Prescott Bush asked jokingly, “Did I give you Permission to smoke?” Before she could catch herself, Mother shot back, “Well I didn’t marry you, did I?””
“George Bush’s great gift to his children was unconditional love. No matter how we expressed our individuality, no matter how badly we misbehaved, he always loved us. Over time, that love itself became a powerful source of independence.”