Here is a little blurb from Steven King on how we remember home – how he remembers his childhood home.
I love the nostalgia of this kind of reflection and that the more time goes by, the more the past looks like Eden.
It seems like a gift in some ways.
So many writers are, consciously or not, writing about home.
Of course, this reminded me of No-man’s Land.
Our new third-floor apartment was on West Broad Street. A block down the hill, not far from Teddy’s Market and across from
Burrets Building Materials, was a huge tangled wilderness area with a junkyard on the far side and a train track running through the middle. This is one of the places I keep returning to in my imagination; it turns up in my books and stories again and again, under a variety of names. The kids in It called it the Barrens; we called it the jungle. Dave and I explored it for the first time not long after we had moved into our new place. It was summer. It was hot. It was great.
-Stephen King, On Writing