Writer Dani Shapiro has said that being an only child is great training for the life of a writer.
After that post went up, I was asked if my childhood – since I am an only child too – was actually lonely, per se.
In some ways, it wasn’t.
I mean, I had a few great friends that came along at the perfect time, and we did nearly everything together.
But I think I would clarify it like this:
While it was never lonely outside of my family, it was sometimes lonely inside my family.
That is, within the context of family, there was never
Within the family, I was either with my parents, or I was alone.
To one extent or the other, it would be like playing on a basketball team alone. There are the coaches, but not other players
You do become an introvert and come to enjoy the silence though.
Or at least I did.
Silence and books can change a boy’s life, after all.
And forced introspection can grow into an idle pleasure.
Did that make sense?