What if your goal was to just be helpful to those around you?
I mean, everyone wants to travel to Timbuktu to do humanitarian work and save the planet, but the hurt is to your left and right.
What if we just started showing up for the people nearby us?
Years ago, I humorously remember trying to convince my youth pastor to go on a mission trip to the Bahamas when we were headed to the unexciting Houston projects…
Understand: You don’t need an invitation to start.
I’ve known some remarkable and courageous missionaries. Perhaps you have too. But for many, when they think of missionaries, they think of Spaniards with chest armor, a galleon, and the flu—and then all the indigenous people die. Instead of saying you’re a missionary, why not just go somewhere to learn about your faith from the people you find there and be as helpful as you can be? The neat part is most of the people I know who go on “mission trips” are already doing exactly that. We don’t need to call everything we do “ministry” anymore either. Just call
it Tuesday. That’s what people who are becoming love do.
-Bob Goff, Everybody Always