I would never try to speak for God, but I think, God wants you to know he loves you.
In fact, everything lasting is about love and relationship, if you want to know the truth.
Nearly everyone gets tripped up on the rules of religion. But the rules aren’t there to put you in a box. The rules are there to help us live better lives.
And falling down, again and again? That is part of bearing fruit with patience.
I like how writer Donald Miller put it: The point of life is character transformation – the same as a story.
Thank goodness for grace in the midst of our transformations.
What made sense to me when I first heard about Jesus is how He doesn’t give us a bunch of directions intended to manipulate our behavior or control our conduct. Instead, He has beautiful hopes for us and has told us what those are, but He isn’t scowling at us when we’re not yet ready to have those same hopes for ourselves. He won’t love us more or less based on how we act, and He’s more interested in our hearts than all the things we do. He’s not stuck telling us what to
do, when to do it, or what we want either. Far better, He continues to tell us through our successes and our mistakes who we are, and here’s what He wants us to know—we are His.
-Bob Goff, Everybody Always