I like this concept of unwealth.
Most of my “unwealth” (financially) would be in passive income for example.
See, you may want $60,000 in dividend income per year, but only make $20,000 (deficit).
Or, you may want $60,000 in dividend income per year, but make $80,000 (surplus).
Of course, this could also be looked at in non-financial terms too.
Do you have more or less free-time than you want? Patience? Kindness? Joy? Love?
The point is that it is relative.
You get to decide where you are.
“Wealthy” is meaningless and has no robust absolute measure; use instead the subtractive measure “unwealth.” that is the difference, at any point in time, between what you have and what you would like to have.
-Nassim Taleb, The Bed Of Procrustes