Larry McMurtry came up with the title to his famous novel Lonesome Dove – in a moment of total serendipity – directly from Lonesome Dove Baptist Church.
Lonesome Dove Baptist Church is located in Southlake, Texas.
The address if you get a wild hair to swing by is:
2380 Lonesome Dove Rd, Southlake, TX 76092
Of course, it is close to his frequent stop in Ponder…
Bonus: Since we are talking about ideas and church here, here is an idea on how to increase church attendance from Ben Franklin (his idea, not mine!).
A few miles south of Ponder, with the lights of Fort Worth just ahead, I happened to notice an old church bus parked beside the road, and on its side was written: Lonesome Dove Baptist Church. If ever I had an epiphany it was at that moment: I had, at last, found a title for the trail driving book. I promptly went home and—somewhat anticlimactically—finished the book.
-Larry McMurtry, Literary Life (Amazon)