In my opinion, The Berrybender Narratives were the second-best series that Larry McMurtry wrote.
- Book 1: Sin Killer
- Book 2: The Wandering Hill
- Book 3: By Sorrower’s River
- Book 4: Folly and Glory
The Lonesome Dove series was my favorite.
I realize this is all personal taste, but Loop Group is – bar none – my least favorite book by McMurtry.
I get it though.
At this point, I have blogged enough to appreciate that many of my
favorite posts were not well-liked either.
First, the balance of my writing seemed to have shifted from mostly fiction to mostly nonfiction. After Duane’s Depressed—in my opinion my best novel—the one fictional effort that I really liked was Loop Group, my second Hollywood novel. By the time I wrote it I actually knew something about the place and gave a good accounting of it. (I also liked my final tetralogy, The Berrybender Narratives; but I seem to share these last enthusiasms with very few.)
-Larry McMurtry, Literary Life (Amazon)