Hey. It’s Friday!
This week I read:
The Art Of Work
By: Jeff Goins
Thomas Nelson (March 24, 2015)
240 pages
You do not need to chase your passion. You do not to chase some far-off view of happiness. You do need to find your calling. Why? Because we all need meaning out of our limited time here on earth. What if your work was not meant to make you happy? What if it was to make you, and the world, better?
Two of my favorite quotes:
“What we all want is to know our time on earth has meant something. We can distract ourselves with pleasure for only so long before beginning to wonder what the point is. This means if we want true satisfaction, we have to rise above the pettiness of our own desires and do what is required of us. A calling comes when we embrace the pain, not avoid it.”
“Work, it seems, was never meant to be something we do just to make a living. It was meant to be a means of making a difference—in our own lives and in the lives of others.”