Hey. It’s Friday!
This week I read:
Citizens Of The Green Room
By: Mark Leibovich
Blue Rider Press; 1st edition (November 13, 2014)
304 pages
This book is a collection of profiles from renowned political reporter, Mark Leibovich. The writing amazes you. The situations make you shake your head at the ridiculousness of the workings inside the beltway. The politics leaves a bitter taste in your mouth. And Leibovich is there to chronicle it all. Let’s hope he keeps this up for a long time.
Two of my favorite quotes:
“Whenever Chris Matthews says something he likes, which happens a lot he repeats it often and at volumes suggesting a speaker who feels insufficiently listened to at times.”
“Like many people who sometimes travel in high-powered circles, I am a complete fraud. I have no idea how I got here. This is an especially familiar condition in Washington, where I live, and where the imposter syndrome is like our psychological common cold.”
Don’t miss:
Grit In Your Job Search, And Everything Else
How Trading Is Being Wrong
Random Thoughts: #91
5 Things I Learned Reading: We Pointed Them North, By: E. C. Abbott “Teddy Blue”
It Starts By Working
Care About The Right Things
I hope you have a great weekend.