Raising Girls
By: Melissa Trevathan and Sissy Goff
Zondervan; Annotated edition (May 13, 2007)
256 pages
I decided to pick up this book after Sissy Goff and David Thomas spoke at my church last year. If I understand it all, Melissa, David, and Sissy – along with a number of other staff – all work at a counseling office in Nashville, TN. Raising Girls was a great insight into the life stages of growing girls and what they are going through both metabolically and emotionally. What can you do as a parent to help? And finally, what does the research show? As a dad, this was helpful insight. Check out more of Melissa, David, and Sissy at their website, Raising Boys And Girls.
Two of my favorite quotes:
“Point out her gentleness. Tell her you’re proud when she has written something well or shown someone kindness —and tell her friends, too, when you see things in them. It’s tragic how many girls don’t have an admirer.”
“We know a father who understands the fairy tale phenomenon. He tells an alternative version to his three-year-old daughter that ends something like this: “Cinderella and the Prince courted for a year and became very good friends. Then they married. They lived a very simple life and worked for social-justice issues to end the oppression of the poor. They didn’t live happily ever after, but they did learn to love each other deeply . . .” He also tells her how Cinderella traded in her glass slippers for hiking boots so that she and the Prince could hike all over the country.”