240 pages
Love Does makes me want to live life, bigger. He makes me want to take my daughter to London for tea. He makes me want to go on an impossible adventure at the drop of a hat. He makes me want to do everything at ten thousand miles an hour, loving people and chasing God as I go. This is an inspiring book – do not miss it.
Two of my favorite quotes:
I used to think being a believer was enough, but now I know Jesus wants us to participate, no matter what condition we’re in.
When people ask me what it looks like to follow Jesus, I usually say that following Him looks like dealing with all of the issues everyone else does—disappointments, tremendous joy, uncertainty, the whole bit—and having your mind change all the time as you learn how Jesus would’ve dealt with things. Following Jesus is about having your paradigms shift as you navigate a wide range of emotions while living the big life Jesus invites us into.