Are you looking for some haiku poems examples?
I gotcha covered.
Quickly, there are two main things to remember about haiku poems.
Haikus are not defined by rhyme or word count. Haikus are defined by length.
Specifically, haikus are always structured like this:
Line 1: 5 syllables long
Line 2: 7 syllables long
Line 3: 5 syllables long
Some people say that haikus should not (or do not) rhyme.
I say:
Haikus can to rhyme
You just type like this and switch
Right back on a dime
But what do I know.
Here are 7 more examples of haiku poems, just so you can get the rhythm of it.
And yes, of course, I wrote them all.
In all of their hay
The poets could not relay
The grace of this day
One thousand poems
Who can say what sticks or not
That is what I’ll do
Give me water’s life
A soul to keep, with children
To hold and good wife
Rio, Tel Aviv
Shanghai, London, and Dubai
Yes please, all of these
More of this black drink
Cup is empty in a blink
The dopamine wink
This old and still house
Is quiet without you here
Time just disappeared
Hold me, dress me up
Play with me for a while
Before this is gone
My poetry archive is here: #Poems
Lots of good stuff at PoetryCatalog.com too. 😉