I have sense that
If you had everything flat
You’d still be a brat
recovering economist
I have sense that
If you had everything flat
You’d still be a brat
Ok, so a work related post here – these are the 12 principles of Agile software methodology that I learned in training today.
We have followed this loosely in the past but are now committed to a more formal adherence.
So here we go:
Satisfying the customer is the end goal
Welcome changing requirements
Deliver software frequently
Work together daily (communicate!)
Build projects around motivated people
Face-to-face communication is preferred
Progress is measured by working (functional) software
The pace of development is sustainable
Technical excellence and good design enhances agility
Maximize simplicity (minimum viable)
The best software comes from self organizing teams
Team’s frequently adjust behavior towards improvement
For more on the tech world, I enjoyed Lost And Founder (Amazon), By:Rand Fishkin.