Humming birds fighting
A Hill Country thunder storm
Kerrville summer days
recovering economist
Humming birds fighting
A Hill Country thunder storm
Kerrville summer days
I just wanted to share this post by Derek Sivers on writing.
We so easily forget what power there is in clarity and brevity.
In My Writing Process, he says:
This is what I do for everything I post:
1. Write all of my thoughts on a subject.
2. Argue against those ideas.
3. Explore different angles until I’m sick of it.
4. Leave it for a few days or years, then repeat those steps.
5. Hate how messy these thoughts have become.
6. Reduce them to a tiny outline of the key points.
7. Post the outline. Trash the rest.
I mean even his URL’s are brief and simple.
Let’s all write more things like this.
Don’t miss Sivers book: Anything You Want.