How do traders trade?
I have no idea.
Market Wizards is a great book on traders.
For trend-following traders that work from home – I am not going to lie – it can get be wonderful.
5:00 AM
Sleep.6:00 AM
6:30 AM
7:00 AM
7:30 AM
8:00 AM
8:30 AM
Get up. Brush teeth. Gym clothes. Walk the dog. Shower.
9:00 AM
Drink a bottle of water. Decide to go to breakfast. Drive to Dunkin Donuts for coffee and a croissant. Read and catch up on email while you are there.
9:30 AM AM
Check the mail and do chores around the house.
10:00 AM
10:30 AM
Read. Check market prices – and then wonder why you did that.
11:00 AM
Load the dishwasher. Vacuum the living room. Fix a sandwich.
11:30 AM
Eat lunch while listening to a podcast.
12:00 PM
Play on the computer.
12:30 PM
Get up and go the bathroom. Put on a fresh set of gym clothes.
1:00 PM
Go the gym and lift weights.
1:30 PM
Move from weights to cardio. Walk 2 miles on the treadmill.
2:00 PM
Open up computer and trading platform. Check all open orders. Move stops. Enter new orders on stopped out positions. Close computer.
2:30 PM
Shower and change clothes. Again.
3:00 PM
Meet a friend for coffee.
3:30 PM
4:00 PM
4:30 PM
Pick up kids from school.
5:00 PM
Try to decide about dinner.
5:30 PM
Go and get takeout.
6:00 PM
Eat dinner and ask everyone about their day.
6:30 PM
Play with the kids.
7:00 PM
The family watches TV together.
7:30 PM
Get kids ready for bed.
8:00 PM
Put kids to bed.
8:30 PM
Tell kids they actually need to go to sleep.
9:00 PM
Demand that kids lay down and sleep.
9:30 PM
Shower and get ready for bed.
10:00 PM
10:30 PM
11:00 PM
11:30 PM
12:00 PM
12:30 PM
Lights out.