I’d like to start a series of posts interviewing traders.
If you are a trader and would like to do this email interview (or know a trader that would), please answer the questions below and email them to me: sterlingterrellAToutlookDOTcom
No attachments.
Maybe we can all learn a little something:
1. Who are you and how long have you been trading?
2. Where do you trade from?
3. Who do you trade with (self, team, parent company)?
4. What markets do you trade?
5. Without giving too much away, how do you trade?
6. What was the best year you have had trading, and what caused it?
7. What was the worst year you have had trading, and what caused it?
8. Anything developing right now in the markets you are keeping your eye on?
9. If you weren’t trading, what would you be doing?
10. If you were giving a young trader, just starting out, advice today, what would it be?
To begin, I have answered the questions myself.