I had a coach I think at some point in my life tell me that the more you practice, the better you get – and the better you get, the more you will like whatever you are doing.
A more likely story is that I read that somewhere.
It’s true though!
Devote yourself to something. See if you don’t like it more and more the better you get.
This same thing can be said for using Evernote.
At this point, I am such a fan of Evernote that every-time I write a little blurb about Evernote, I feel like I should be included on their payroll somehow.
But I digress.
Evernote starts out as a small little note taking app.
You play with it here, and update a grocery list on it there.
Then one day, you need a copy of something and you decide to scan it into Evernote so you can pull it up and email it later.
Then you start copying and pasting notable quotes into Evernote that you have come across while reading your Amazon Kindle.
You play with the folders and stacks.
Some website you like offers a free PDF for your email address, so you sign up and put the PDF into Evernote.
You discover Evernote will let you share notes and folders with others.
You find out that everything is searchable.
For good backup measure, you decide to scan everyone in your family’s birth certificates into Evernote.
And 6 months later, your entire life is in Evernote.
Evernote has become your secondary brain.
I know it has for me.
The more you use it, the more you will love it.
That’s a fact.