1. On a weekend road-trip, bananas do not travel well. FYI.
2. Read these 5 books next year.
3. I want my girls to chase after God. And be doctors or engineers, you know?
4. Best book on strategy I have read in a long time.
5. “It was from this spectacular stage that the Kurds first stepped into the pages of history. Scholars debate the exact moment it occurred. Some argue it was around 3,000 BC in a Sumerian document that described a “land of Kardo.” Others contend that this appearing came four centuries before Christ when Xenophon recorded that retreating Greeks were harassed by “Kardouchoi” who “dwelt up among the mountains . . . a warlike people . . . not subjects of the King.”
-Steven Mansfield, The Miracle Of The Kurds (Amazon)