The Little Things
By: Andy Andrews
Thomas Nelson (March 7, 2017)
160 pages
The point that Andy Andrews wants to make in The Little Things is simple. It’s this: Many small things can have a massive impact. He, of course, makes this point in the way only Andy Andrews can do. As I have touched on before, I love the idea of how doing small things every day, over a long time horizon, quickly can accrue into something big. Be encouraged that the big change you are looking for might not be as large and far away as you imagined. It might be little. And it might be right under your nose.
Two of my favorite quotes:
In most cases, extraordinary achievers became comfortable with being seen as “different” or even “odd” long before they achieved the level of success they were after. It’s a distinction that average people often fail to make. If one desires to live life on a different level, that destination will not be reached by traveling the same road everyone else has chosen.
One idea will change everything. One idea will change the world. You and I have seen one idea make billions of dollars. We’ve seen one idea save millions of lives. And one idea can move you from where you are to where you want to be. Incidentally, don’t ever allow yourself to believe that all the great ideas have been taken. Never forget that, as a society, we put men on the moon before anyone thought to put wheels on luggage! How many ideas are out there, waiting patiently for YOU to show up?