If so much of art is subjective, where does that leave us?
By that I mean, if the technique and processes are commoditized, what is there to put our arms around?
I believe the remnant is in the context, the story.
Don’t just show me your picture from the top of Mt. Kilimanjaro.
Show me the picture and tell me about the three days leading up to taking it.
Tell me about your obstacles.
We are all dying to know – well – you.
And with meaning – you are darn right – suffering becomes sacrifice.
From sacrifice comes meaning. From struggle comes purpose. If you’re to create something powerful and important, you must at the very least be driven by an equally powerful inner force. If there is anything to romanticize about art, it’s the struggle and the dedication required to get it right—and the motivating force that makes it all possible.
-Ryan Holiday, Perennial Seller (Amazon)