1. Ok. I am going to hike Mt. Kilimanjaro. Soon. Well. Soon, enough.
2. There are few things worse than being around a person who always brings you down. Everything is bad, and everything is a crisis. Pass.
3. It is sobering how rare a truly original thought is. Most people have never had one.
4. First, relationships are work. Lots of work.
5. Second, relationships are worth the work.
6. There is sometimes as much influence in judicious inaction as there is in action itself.
7. If you are in doubt: Be quiet.
8. For undergrad, get an engineering degree.
9. If you don’t choose engineering for undergrad, math, statistics, physics, and economics are not bad either. In that order.
10. For the love of everything, I cannot bring myself to spend $150 – $200 on a pair of sunglasses.