By: Gavin McInnes
Scribner; Reprint edition (July 16, 2013)
288 pages
The Death Of Cool is disgusting at times. Real bad. And crude. And hilarious. Read and find out the real-life backstory of the legendary, and sometimes controversial – writer, entrepreneur, marketer, and VICE co-founder – Gavin McInnes. He knows how to tell a story.
One of my favorite quotes:
Socialism sounds cool in the classroom and nobody can deny the sexiness Che Guevara emanates from each rotting pore but in reality, it sucks. Every adult knows it’s just communism lite, and that means bureaucrats with “Godlike power.” as Milton Friedman put it. Nobody wears Che T-shirts in Cuba and the fat man in the beard who runs the place is just a reverse Santa who takes every gift God gives and hands it to someone less deserving. Without the invisible hand of capitalism slapping overachievers on the back and spanking lazy bottoms, waiters mope around like the whole thing is below them.