How do writers write?
I have no idea.
Here is a good place to find out the specifics of what many do.
For writers that work from home though, it can get ridiculous.
6:00 AM
6:30 AM
7:00 AM
Sleep. Ask spouse to keep it down while they are getting ready for work.
7:30 AM
8:00 AM
8:30 AM
Get up. Brush teeth. Brew and sip on a cup of coffee. Maybe drink a bottle of water too. Consider cooking breakfast but then decide to skip food altogether. Feed and let the dogs out.
9:00 AM
Sit down at the computer with coffee to check email. Invoice from lawn company, archive. Reminder about pet medication, delete. Leave email from parents in inbox to look at later.
9:30 AM AM
While reading an email newsletter, Google something your are not familiar with. Browse Wikipedia. Napoleon was how old when he died? I had no idea a platypus lays eggs. And I wonder who has the world record for push-ups?
10:00 AM
Look for that old comfortable t-shirt. Sniff at a few other items in the laundry basket. Throw in a load of laundry and feed the dogs. Go outside and check the mail.
10:30 AM
Sit back down at the computer and call spouse at work to see how their day is going. Tell them you have been working here and there and doing odds and ends around the house. Get off the phone and scroll through Evernote looking at writing notes.
11:00 AM
Get up from the computer and load the dishwasher. Fix a sandwich with a heaping pile of Doritos on your plate. Grab a Coke from the fridge.
11:30 AM
Eat lunch while listening to the radio. Drop one or two Doritos for the dogs. Check your phone to see how many page-views your blog has gotten since last night.
12:00 PM
Sit back down at the computer. Write 500 words.
12:30 PM
Get up and go the bathroom. Let the dogs out again. Sit back down at the computer and write another 500 words.
1:00 PM
Go the gym and lift weights.
1:30 PM
Move from weights to cardio. Walk 2 miles on the treadmill.
2:00 PM
Go back home. Shower. Change clothes.
2:30 PM
3:00 PM
3:30 PM
Read. Become insanely jealous of the author of the book you are reading.
4:00 PM
Let the dogs out again. Read.
4:30 PM
Pick up kids from school. Play and talk with kids until spouse gets home.
5:00 PM
Ask spouse what is for dinner while chasing kids through the house.
5:30 PM
Load family up in the car to go get takeout.
6:00 PM
Eat dinner and ask everyone about their day.
6:30 PM
Clean up the kitchen and play with the kids.
7:00 PM
The whole family watches TV together.
7:30 PM
Start getting kids ready for bed.
8:00 PM
Put kids to bed.
8:30 PM
Tell kids they actually need to go to sleep.
9:00 PM
Demand that kids lay down and sleep.
9:30 PM
Shower and get ready for bed. Take dogs out one last time, wondering why you have dogs in the first place.
10:00 PM
10:30 PM
11:00 PM
11:30 PM
12:00 PM
Play on phone. Check to see how many page-views your blog has gotten since lunch.
12:30 PM
Lights out.