1. Saturday morning at the pool with your daughter is one of this life’s great delights.
2. It can be hard to know if you are a good trader, or just lucky.
3. Wish I had traveled more when I was young, maybe I can do it more when I am old.
4. Reading this book next…
5.”But the town’s most distinguished citizen was the Lithuanian, Casimir Slapelič. Fifty years ago he found the dinosaur in the barranca. Now, toothless, hairless and in his middle eighties, he was one of the oldest flying pilots in the world. Each morning he put on his white canvas flying-suit, pottered down to the Aero Club in his Moskva and hurled himself and his antique monoplane to the gales. The risk merely increased his appetite for life.”
-Bruce Chatwin, In Patagonia (Amazon)