96 pages
Quitting is not always bad. Quitting the right things can be strategic. In this fantastic little book, Seth Godin teaches that quitting can focus us. It can focus us on what matters – on what we should be spending our time on. See, the Dip is the weed-out period right before the competition gives up.
Let Ta-Nehisi Coates explain it with writing.
Two of my favorite quotes:
Sometimes we get discouraged and turn to inspirational writing, like stuff from Vince Lombardi: “Quitters never win and winners never quit.” Bad advice. Winners quit all the time. They just quit the right stuff at the right time.
If you can get through the Dip, if you can keep going when the system is expecting you to stop, you will achieve extraordinary results. People who make it through the Dip are scarce indeed, so they generate more value.