Kids looking to persuade parents of something should consider this.
Consider the context – the setting of the table – before you ask your parents something.
I mean, you don’t just ask for an allowance raise or keys to the new car.
You might start with a good joke. Do your chores next.
Tell them a heartwarming story that starts with “Remember when…”
Work your name in with the word “responsible” a few times.
Then ask.
Remember that association is persuasive.
And please don’t let my kids find this post one day…
Kids, if you want to persuade your parents to do something nice for you, first show them a YouTube video of someone being nice to their pets. Then change the subject to whatever it is that you want. The emotional state your parents picked up from watching pet-related kindness should rub off and cause them to look more kindly on whatever you are asking them to do for you. Pre-suading, or setting the table, is about creating mental and emotional associations that carry over.
-Scott Adams, Win Bigly