Since I have been drumming up business for work, I have stumbled upon a theory on how you dress for a sales call.
The first time I went out, I was in my fancy truck. I wore blue jeans and cowboy boots and combed my hair.
And do you know what I looked like?
A salesman trying to sell something! 🤣
People were short with me. People we standoffish. And even fewer wanted to chitchat about how this year’s cotton crop is coming along.
Why? Well, that’s easy: Nobody wants to talk to a salesman.
Then something happened, almost by accident.
The next time I went out, I changed it up. I wore shorts, a Columbia fishing shirt, and sandals – I didn’t worry about my hair. And I even drove my beat-up 20-year-old Tahoe.
I looked like a beach bum.
And people were nicer!
They stopped to visit, they asked me personal questions and seemed more willing to help.
I think it’s because I didn’t look like I wanted anything from them. There was no pressure.
I didn’t look
like a salesman about to put them on the spot.
This is a little stupid and anecdotal…
But I think there’s something to it.