[This is part of the series: 31 Persuasion Tips That I Learned From Scott Adams]
So even if you recognize persuasion in action, or someone using a particular persuasion technique on you, it still works?
Good grief.
I mean, how awful – awesome – pernicious – and useful is that?!
We all already know this on some level.
For example, everyone knows you wear a suit to an interview. Right?
But why?
The answer is because we think differently of people based on how they dress.
But we all know that. Shouldn’t it be factored in?
That doesn’t stop us from wearing suits to interviews though, does it?
It’s because it still works.
I also brought this up with respect to gifts and kindness.
PERSUASION TIP 3: Persuasion is effective even when the subject recognizes the technique. Everyone knows that stores list prices at $ 9.99 because $ 10.00 sounds like too much. It still works.
-Scott Adams, Win Bigly