[This is part of the series: 31 Persuasion Tips That I Learned From Scott Adams]
Can small annoyances fade away?
You bet they can.The fact is this: With time, people get over most small things that bother them.
Here is a personal example.
I use to live in an apartment on a busy street.
I mean, my bedroom window was on the first floor, not 15 feet from the road.
The traffic was so loud, I didn’t sleep much the first week I was there.
And you’re right.
I got used to it.
We are all outraged the first time we hear something inflammatory.
But after a while, you might not even notice your coworker still talking about politics.
And you cope just fine with your sister’s awful kids, don’t you?
PERSUASION TIP 22: People automatically get used to minor annoyances over time.
-Scott Adams, Win Bigly