The best part of being a writer, of spending your time writing, is having control over your day
Wash the dishes.
Go for a stroll.
Drink a little bit more coffee.
Or, simply stay in bed.
The writing life is the introverts dream, if you ask me.
There is something special and wonderful about the fact that you have managed to shape your life in such a way that reading (things that you want to read) and writing (things that you want to write) can be considered “working.” It’s like writers managed to cheat the system somehow.
Here is A Day In The Life Of A
And yes, it totally sucks that you can do amazing work – and people still might not care.
We writers shape our own days. We sit at our desks in our pajamas. We putter around empty houses, watering plants, making stews in the slow cooker, staring out the window, and we call it “working.” We close our doors when our husbands or wives or kids are downstairs watching TV. Shhh! I’m working! And at the same time, often we don’t have anything to show for it. We have no guarantee that what we’re doing will amount to anything resembling art.
-Dani Shapiro, Still Writing