The lost art of train travel needs to be considered, and when possible indulged in.
Do not miss this fantastic post on train travel by Jeffrey Tucker: The Charming Luxury of Train Travel.
The measured and leisurely pace described reminded me of necessary breakfasts and proper lunches.
Quite simply, more travel should be like this.
So let us remember just how dramatically trains improved our lives. They changed our conception of space and opened up new possibilities for progress. It is something striking that even now, they are the most luxurious travel I’ve experienced, and this will probably be true so long as there is no commercially viable market for flying cars. Back to the pathological complainer on my flight to Vegas. It’s very much possible that she would be less crabby had she been in a train with a nice view and a stiff cocktail. At least the rest of us wouldn’t have had to listen to someone complaining about spending only a few hours on a trip that 150 years ago would have taken the better part of a month.
Interestingly, Jeffrey Tucker was the fist editor that ever published me.
I am not sure I have ever stated that before publicly.