I, of course, do not remember getting my first television.
By the time I was born, TV’s were as common as toasters as a household appliance.
But I can understand the sentiment here.
I do remember getting my family’s first computer.
And goodness I was mesmerized by how cool all the pictures looked. I thought I was just going to sit and play video games forever.
While I would argue that all television, movies, and YouTube
I truly believe that the best, and simultaneously worst, thing about all creative work is its subjective nature.
I was born in 1947 and we didn’t get our first television until 1958. The first thing I remember watching on it was Robot Monster, a film in which a guy dressed in an ape-suit with a goldfish bowl on his head—Ro-Man, he was called—ran around trying to kill the last survivors of a nuclear war. I felt this was
art of quite a high nature.
-Stephen King, On Writing