Clarity in business communication is similar to the clarity of a story or movie.
With, of course, the small detail that the former is our lives and our work, while the latter in fictional.
All I know for sure is that we should all be better at explaining what we do.
Few want to read 2,000 words about three generations helping do X.
Pretend you are selling to an 8th grader.
Be brief. Be clear.
Just like there are three questions audiences must be able to answer to engage in a story, there are three questions potential customers must answer if we expect them to engage with our brand. And they should be able to answer these questions within five seconds of looking at our website or marketing material: 1. What do you offer? 2. How will it make my life better? 3. What do I need to do to buy it?
-Donald Miller, Building A StoryBrand