If I am being honest, the entire hustle and bustle mentality
Am I the only one growing tired of it all?
I mean, three years, seven years, or ten years of staying up too late and pushing yourself, borderline, too hard gets old. It gets really old.
But here’s the thing.
After all that frusteration, I fall back to asking what is controllable and what is uncontrollable.
I can’t make anyone read something I post.
I can’t change my IQ.
I can’t wave a wand of success over it all.
But I can try to work just a little harder, and just a little longer, than others are willing to do.
Maybe I’ll do five posts today, instead of the usual four…
The competition may be more talented than you are, but they will never outwork you if you don’t let them. That’s the one thing you get to control.
-Donald Miller, Building A StoryBrand