Difficult people are the worst.
They complain, gossip, worry, envy, and have stupid/uninformed opinions.
For peace of mind, I usually try to avoid them at all costs.
But what if I am missing something?
What if you were not supposed to change them in the first place? What if they were supposed to change you?
I love the idea of giving away “extravagant love” to people who can be so unlovable.
Understand: Love is not a feeling, it’s an action.
Find a way to love difficult people more, and you’ll be living the life Jesus talked about. Go find someone you’ve been avoiding and give away extravagant love to them. You’ll learn more about God, your neighbor, your enemies, and your faith. Find someone you think is wrong, someone you disagree with, someone who isn’t
like you at all, and decide to love that person the way you want Jesus to love you.
-Bob Goff, Everybody Always