People love to give advice, don’t they?
But here’s the thing that get people into trouble:
The specific knowledge of X does not mean specific knowledge of Y.
A Ph.D in biology does not lead to an understanding of economics, for example.
But that sure doesn’t keep biologist (and all the rest) from offering their opinions, does it?
If you want biology, ask a biologist. If you want economics, ask an economists.
And if you are ever in doubt, don’t give advice on what you know nothing about.
MOST PEOPLE ARE AVERAGE OR BELOW AVERAGE AT MOST THINGS, MYSELF INCLUDED. I’m only really good at a handful of things and have the track record to prove it. However, if you ask my advice on something other than those things I’m expert at, I’ll probably still give you advice. People love to give advice, even when they don’t know what they are talking about. As I thought through the bad advice I had received, I realized it was because I had gone to someone who was really good at some things, but not the things I was asking about.
-Tim Grahl, Running Down A Dream