We all had to say goodbye to my old blue dog today.
By that I mean, I am hundreds of miles away with my growing family and my parents had to, unfortunately, deal with the hardest part of it.
Saying goodbye is even hard from a distance though.
I didn’t realize how old he was until my mom pointed it out to me today.
See, he wandered up in March of 2006, which is just shy of 14 years ago.
The vet we first took him to estimated his age somewhere between six months and two years.
So all that puts him somewhere between 14 and 16 years old!
Did I tell you that, among other things, Blue:
- Taught himself to walk to the bottom of the hill, down our country driveway, and fetch the newspaper.
- Would carry tied up trash bags from the kitchen to the garage.
- Eagerly awaited any spontaneous road trips you would let him go on.
- Was the best home alarm you could have ever bought.
- Worried about little, as long as he was three feet away from you.
He liked to be near me so much that I couldn’t begin to count how many books I read with Blue under my feet.
We are all a little sad today.
But I am so glad we got to have such a good dog for such a long time.
They say every boy should have a dog – and Blue was mine.
Above is our last picture together.
I’ll drop some earlier pictures below as I come across them: