For whatever reason (this reason), I have been paying more attention to birds.
One of the frequent birds around our yard, and in our trees, is the American Robin.
I have been reading up on them and here are 10 of my favorite facts.
The American Robin is one of the most common birds in North America.
It is one of the earliest birds to sing in the morning.
Their average lifespan is around two years.
The American Robin eats primarily insects, berries, and earthworms – typically by foraging on the ground.
Both parents will feed their young, who leave the nest 14-16 days after hatching.
Males will sometimes feed the young while the female begins a second nesting try.
American Robins have 2-3 broods per season.
This bird is part of the thrush family.
They are one of the earliest birds to breed in the spring.
Robins hunt earthworms by sight (not hearing).
Are there any books on robins I need to know about? Asking for myself…