Here are my notes on, In My Father’s House, By: Corrie Ten Boom.
Does a child of five really know what he’s doing? Some people say that children don’t have the spiritual understanding-that we should wait until a child can “make up this mind for himself.” I believe a child should be led, not left to wander.
Said a precious little laddie,
To his father one bright day,
“Shall I give my heart to Jesus,
Let Him wash my sins away?”
“O my son, but you’re too little,
Wait until you older grow;
Bigger folks, ’tis true, they need Him
Little ones are safe you know.”
Said the father to his laddie
As the storm was coming on
“Are the sheep securely sheltered,
Are they safely gathered, son?”
“All the big ones are, my father
But the lambs – I let them go
For I did not think it mattered
Little ones are safe you know.”
We were always challenged to do our best. When papa took a watch apart and put it back together again, it was a task he performed without regard to the owner’s social status or wealth. He taught us that it wasn’t important what you think, or even what other people think, but what God thinks about the job you have done.
Conversations around the dinner table were lively because we all had stories or experiences we wanted to share. I believe that the great enjoyment of a family eating together is having this time when each person can be heard. Father had a special talent in directing our talks so that no one would feel left out. We loved to tell personal stories, but were taught to laugh at ourselves and not to make fun of others.
Many times through the years I remember the wonderful moments I had listened to the stories and experiences of Father’s friends. There is a Proverb which says, “Thine own friend, and thy father’s friend, forsake not” (Proverbs 27:10). I have often thought how wise that is.
It never ceases to amaze me the way the Lord creates a bond among believers, which reaches across continents, beyond race and color. This spiritual bond is something man has tried to establish with big national or world councils and organized ecumenical movements, but always misses when the Spirit of the Lord and the truth if His word are not present.
But father said, “As Christians we are in the world, but not of the world. We must not give over our county to the enemy, because then we would be disobeying 1 Timothy 2 which says, “I urge, then, first of all that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people – for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness'” vs. 1-2).
Hans told me in later years that over and over again, she repeated to her children, “Opa taught us, ‘When Jesus takes your hand, he keeps you tight, He leads you through your whole life. When Jesus leads you thorough your life, he brings you safely home.'”
Jesus is the real security in this world, even in the hour we have to leave it.
I looked through my small living room into the dining room, where Papa’s portrait hangs. I could see him at the oval table, head bowed, praying: “Lord, bless the Queen; we thank You for this beautiful Lord’s Day and for the promise of Your soon coming. Thank You for this food and for this family. In the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.”