I think we need more minor writers out there.
Maybe it’s a book, a blog, or a journal you need to start.
No matter if you are capturing your thoughts for the entire world, or your grandchildren – the time to start is today.
I especially like the idea of surrounding yourself with a shared sense of vocation and direction.
My thousands of books are mainly the work of minor writers such as myself. Minor writers provide the stitchery of literature. Besides, major writers often find themselves writing minor books. Major writers aren’t major all the time, and minor writers occasionally write better than they normally do, sometimes producing a major book. The commonwealth of literature is complex, but a sense of belonging to it is an important feeling for a writer to have and to keep. Sitting with the immortals does not make one an immortal, but the knowledge that they’re around you on their shelves does contribute something to one’s sense of what one ought to try for.
-Larry McMurtry, Literary Life (Amazon)