Everything contains a worldview.
And what is described below is the worldview that I am partial to too.
Honestly, most of the characteristics on this list are quite common in America.
Police officers, teachers, bankers, mechanics, carpenters, insurance agents, and Army officers all over the land see the world this way.
I wish more people did.
But as Francis Schaeffer and other writers have pointed out, every piece of writing, every movie, every work of art contains a worldview. Mine traces back to the small town in rural West Texas where I grew up. It contains the social norms of a group of people who till the soil, tend livestock, and operate small businesses. We pay our bills on the tenth of every month, believe in thrift, personal honesty, fidelity in marriage, hard work, and the importance of being good parents. We don’t always live up to our principles, but at least we think we should.
-John Erickson, Story Craft (Amazon)